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Why can't I send a text message to 2424?

2424 is Skinny's toll-free Premium Text-only Number which allows customers to purchase Plans, Add-ons, and find out what their mobile number is.

Premium text service charges are often used for subscriptions and premium fees are usually a one-time charge for entering.

Whilst 2424 is free for Skinny customers, other premium numbers may not be free and will incur a charge. For a list of these premium numbers and premium fee, click here! We suggest all Skinny customers be careful and always read the rules of all premium text services and carefully decide whether paying is worthwhile for you.

With most Android devices, a restriction would be in place to avoid customers from getting charged with premium rates so therefore some customers won’t be able to send text messages to 2424. But fear not, we have few solutions that you can try.

To enable premium messaging on Android versions 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 5.0 or 5.1

Step 1:

From your Home Screen, tap the Application icon.

Step 2:

Select Settings 

Step 3:

Select Apps / Application Manager

Step 4:

Swipe from right to left to the ALL tab

Step 5:

Find and select the Messaging application.

Step 6:

Find and select Permissions

Step 7:

Select Premium SMS

Step 8:

Select Always Allow

To enable premium messaging on Android version 7.0 

Step 1:

From your Home Screen, tap the Application icon.

Step 2:

Select Settings 

Step 3:

Select Apps / Application Manager

Step 4:

Select the gear/cog icon and then find the Special Access option

Step 5:

Select Premium SMS

Step 6:

Select Always Allow

To enable premium messaging on Android version 8.0 

Step 1:

From your Home Screen, tap the Application icon.

Step 2:

Select Settings

Step 3:

Select Apps & Notifications

Step 4:

Select Advanced

Step 5:

Select  the Special Access option

Step 6:

Select Premium SMS

Step 7:

Select Always Allow

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